February 2023: Astrological Events + Corresponding Tarot Ideas

by | Feb 1, 2023 | Astrology, Podcast, Tarot Readings

February Astrological Transits and Corresponding Tarot Ideas Inner Truth Tarot

There are a lot of astrological transits in February, but this isn’t an astrology show. But! I’m going over the big ones that may effect your readings. I also share ideas of spreads to do and questions to ask during each transit. Show notes and more at innertruthtarot.com

These notes are NOT a transcript. Tune into the full episode above or on your favourite platform.

The harshness of January is behind us. As we approach the midpoint between the winter solstice and the spring equinox, February serves as a reminder that the darkness of winter is starting to give way to increasing light and warmth.

While there are many astrological transits in February, this is not an astrology blog. I’ve highlighted the ones that will have the biggest impact on your life as well as your readings.

02 February: Imbolc

From sundown on 01 February to sundown on 02 February, Imbolc is a Gaelic festival which marks the beginning of spring. Also known as the Feast day of St Brigid, and Candlemas, this day is representative of the warmth that’s yet to come. To welcome the dawning of a new season, many will participate in the ritual of lighting candles, while many still will start seedlings for their gardens.

03 February: Ceres retrogrades in Libra

If you’re feeling a bit down today, it’s because Ceres has begun retrograding in Libra. You may be feeling some disharmony or discontent in your personal relationships. Today take a moment to put yourself first so you don’t feel resentful of the usual power imbalance and dynamics. As the cards about the power dynamics in your relationships. Where does the power lie? Does this balance serve you?

05 February: Full Moon in Leo

That disharmony of Ceres retrograding Libra fades as the moon goes full in Leo. Today is a day to let your ego shine and open your heart up to love and glamour. Don’t be afraid to light up the room when you walk in. Ask the cards how to best show up as your brightest self.

11 February: Mercury enters Aries

With Mercury’s entrance into Aries, we are challenged to think of creative solutions to make the world a better place. Throughout the day, our thoughts may come across as out-of-the-box and ahead of their time. However, jot down your thoughts and don’t be afraid to challenge your preconceived notions in your tarot readings in the following weeks: your ideas may be just what is needed for positive change. Ask the cards for creative ideas. Ask the card how you can make the world a better place.

16 February: Pallas goes direct in Cancer

After a period of uncertainty, we are returning to our foundations when the asteroid Pallas goes direct in Cancer. Take this opportunity to draw wisdom from your ancestors, your elders, and those more experienced than you. This is a time to humble yourself and admit that you don’t know everything. This act of deference will be seen by your elders as a sign of growth, and will endure you to them. Today is also the day to add some aesthetic charm to your living space with new art, decor, or a few splashes of paint. Ask the cards what your ancestors need you to know.

18 February: Sun enters Pisces

As we move into the zodiac sign of Pisces, there is a newfound warmth in the air. We are filled with compassion and gentleness as we transition from winter to spring over the coming weeks. There may be some haziness during this period, but eventually it will give way to clarity. Pisces is a time for coziness. Cuddle up with a warm blanket and a cup of tea. Listen to your body and make space to give yourself the warmth and coziness you crave. Ask the cards how you can embrace warmth.

19 February: New Moon in Pisces and Venus enters Aries

The stars are aligned for an evening of love and romance as the new moon rises. Now is the perfect time to take that chance on a first date, explore butterflies-in-the-stomach feelings of crushes, or to add some spice to your existing relationships. Get ready for your passions to ignite as Venus, the planet of love, enters the passionate sign of Aries. This fiery period will bring an added spice to relationships, encouraging them to bloom and thrive over the coming weeks. Ask the cards how to liven up your relationships.

21 February: Mercury in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus

Today may be rocky. Anything that can go wrong today, will probably go wrong today. Try not to sweat the small stuff. So many of the little things that are going wrong today will be inconsequential, but also make sure that you check your texts and emails before hitting send. This is also the day for jumpers from your deck. Pay attention to the cards that take a leap out and get your attention. They’re trying to give you a message. Ask your cards how to bring calm to the chaos.


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