December 2023: Astrological Events + Tarot Reading

by | Astrology, Tarot Card Meanings

December is a month of reflection and renewal. Its crisp air, sparkly nights, and cozy days evoke feelings of contentment and joy. It’s the season for celebrating with loved ones, taking a break from the hectic pace of life, and reflecting on all that has happened this past year. For many, it’s also a time for connecting to spiritual traditions; December is often associated with religious holidays, offering an opportunity for many to come together in communal celebration.

Beyond that, December can be a time for setting new goals and intentions for the coming year. Whether it’s starting a new hobby or resolving to make healthier lifestyle choices – we can all use December as a time to take stock of our lives and make meaningful changes ahead. Through its spirit of renewal, December offers us an opportunity to open our hearts without fear or judgement in order to look towards the future with hope and optimism.

04 December: Venus enters Scorpio

As Venus enters Scorpio, we enter a period of deepening bonds and increased emotional intensity. Our relationships become more intertwined and layered, and many of us also expand our comfort zones and share our hearts with those closest to us. Scorpio’s mysterious energy encourages us to explore new depths together and embrace both the light and darkness that comes with relating to another person. This is a special time for deepening love, trust, and understanding between ourselves and others.

12 December: New Moon in Sagittarius. Mercury goes Retrograde in Capricorn.

As the final new moon of 2023 arrives in independent and adventurous Sagittarius, we are presented with an opportunity to try something new and break out of our comfort zones. This is a great chance to explore the unknown, take a leap of faith, go on exciting adventures, and learn something new. Maybe it’s as simple as visiting a new part of town or signing up for some classes – whatever you choose to do during this time, may your spirit be filled with courage and optimism. Seize this moment to explore unfamiliar territory and discover what lies beyond your current boundaries.

As Mercury moves backwards in reliable Capricorn for the second time, it’s a reminder to look back at the beginning of this year to find any repeating themes. This retrograde period might bring delays and miscommunication, so it’s best to hold off on major decisions or projects and focus on finding our footing again. Use this opportunity to slow down and reflect in order to be prepared for whatever lies ahead.

20 December: Vesta enters Gemini

With energies scattered and anxiety running high, making progress over the coming weeks might be a challenge. However, this is also an opportunity to work on our self-discipline and find ways to stay focused – no matter how overwhelming things may seem. Remember that tough times don’t last forever.

21 December: Winter Equinox. Yule begins.

The winter equinox marks the shortest day and longest night of the year. During this time, the sun shines least and darkness dominates the sky. This period of rest is a perfect opportunity to reconnect with our inner self and reflect on the changes we want to make in our lives. The winter solstice also marks a time of renewal, as it brings us one step closer to longer days, more sunshine, and warmer weather. Embrace this season of renewal – it will soon open up new possibilities as 2024 is right around the corner.

This is also the beginning of Yule. The Yule season is a time of celebration, reflection and renewal. Yuletide celebrates the start of the sun’s return after the long night of winter. During this period, many cultures around the world honor their gods and traditions in different ways. These include lighting fires, gathering around feasts and exchanging gifts. Celebrating at Yule allows us to connect with our ancestors and take strength from their wisdom as we prepare for a new year full of hope and possibility.

22 December: Sun enters Capricorn.

As the sun enters the sign of Capricorn, we move further into a period of stability and renewal. This astrological event signals to us that we are entering into a time of reflection and taking stock of what is and isn’t working in our lives. Capricorn is an earth sign, symbolizing groundedness, structure and practicality – which can be incredibly beneficial during this transitionary period.

It encourages us to look at ourselves intellectually and emotionally, exploring areas where we need to focus more energy on self-care or growth. As the sun continues to pass through Capricorn, take advantage of its unique energy by reflecting on your goals, making plans and setting new intentions for yourself. With this renewed clarity you’ll feel better prepared to manifest positive change in your life!


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