Tarot Card Meaning: The Magician

by | Major Arcana, Tarot, Tarot 101, Tarot Card Meanings

The Magician Keywords

Upright: Mystery, manifestation, power, confidence, the illusion of consciousness, inner knowledge, honesty, self-mastery, unbridled inner power

Reversed: Manipulation, self-doubt, power struggles, wandering mind, inability to manifest desires, feelings of unworthiness, dishonesty, trickery

The Magician card is an iconic card of the tarot. It symbolises one’s ability to use their innate powers and skills to manifest their desires into reality.

In tarot decks based on the Rider-Waite art and symbolism, the Magician is depicted as a man standing at a table, with four symbols laid out in front of him: the cup, pentacle, wand, and sword.

Each of these symbols represent different aspects that make up the foundation for one’s magical work: the cup being emotions and intuition, the pentacle representing physical needs, the wand being action or will power, and finally the sword symbolising intellectual thought or knowledge.

The figure wears a red cape which often indicates a passionate nature that can be used to focus energy towards their goals. Above his head is an infinity symbol representing infinite possibilities that can be created through one’s hard work and dedication towards achieving it.

The message behind this card is to remind us that we have all have inner resources necessary to create our own destiny. This doesn’t mean we can snap our fingers and make our dreams come true without effort; rather it symbolises taking responsibility for our actions and being resourceful in order to bring about positive change in life. We must remember that ultimately we are responsible for any success or failure in life due to our choices whether good or bad.

Understanding this card can help us discover how to inject more magic into our day-to-day lives. Whether it’s setting intentions before starting something new or visualising success while taking action on what we want – if we focus on having confidence in ourselves even when doubt creeps in – then we’ll find ourselves beginning to manifest great things in our lives much quicker than expected!

Overall, the Magician’s message is that if you believe you can do something then you can achieve it. You just need to tap into your inner resources (your knowledge, faith & willpower) in order for us to manifest whatever dreams we desire – no matter how big they may seem.

When The Magician Appears in a Reading

The Magician Upright

When the Magician appears upright in a tarot card reading, it indicates that a person is currently in a very powerful position to manifest their dreams and goals into reality. It signifies that they have all the necessary skills, knowledge, faith and willpower to make these dreams come true. This card encourages us to take responsibility for our lives and be resourceful when faced with challenges or obstacles. It suggests trusting in oneself and having confidence in one’s abilities even when doubt creeps in; if we focus on believing we can do something then we can achieve it.

The Magician upright also hints at how important it is to remain balanced between the physical world and spiritual realms. It reminds us not to get too caught up in materialistic pleasures but rather look at the bigger picture so that we can tap into our full potential and create something truly magical – just as the magician himself does.

The card invites us to embrace our inner power without misusing it for selfish purposes, instead guiding us towards creating positive changes in our lives that bring about lasting solutions. This card also suggests having faith in yourself and trusting that whatever you set out to do can be accomplished if you put forth enough effort into achieving it.

Recall from The Fool’s Journey the Magician represents the illusion of consciousness. Our minds are continually being programmed by everything we touch, everyone we meet, and everything we encounter. The Magician is the embodiment of all that influences us. The Magician creates the illusion through which we see the world; through which our consciousness experiences itself. When the Magician appears upright in a tarot reading, it’s a reminder of our ability to create whatever you want, but also a reminder to examine the filter through which you view the world.

The Magician Reversed

When the Magician card appears in a reading reversed, it indicates that you are blocking your own potential and are not taking action to manifest your desires. This could be due to fear or lack of confidence, or perhaps a feeling of being overwhelmed or uncertain. On the flip side, it could also be an indication of foolishness from rushing into something without thinking things through first.

The Magician reversed brings attention to imbalance between the physical world and spiritual realms, suggesting there is too much focus on materialistic pleasures instead of looking at the bigger picture. It encourages you to look within and search for any underlying issues that might be preventing you from achieving success. The message behind this card is that if we are going to overcome any obstacles, we must identify our weaknesses and use them as opportunities to grow and develop new skills. In some cases, it may even mean completely changing up our approach and view things from a different perspective in order to make progress towards our goals.

The Magician reversed can also bring attention to negative power dynamics in relationships where one person has the upper hand over another which can lead to emotional manipulation or control issues. If this is the case, then it’s important to take a step back and evaluate what needs to change in order for balance and harmony can return into both people’s lives. On a general level, it warns against misuse of personal power as well as getting stuck in patterns of thought that hold us back from tapping our full potential.

When the Magician card appears reversed in a tarot reading it symbolises inner blocks preventing us from achieving our goals by taking responsibility for our lives so that we can manifest great things without relying on external forces or energy sources outside ourselves. It calls for self-reflection and understanding so that we can break down these walls and create clarity within ourselves which will then point us towards lasting solutions that allow us to move forward on our path with greater ease than before.


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