Tarot Card Meaning: The High Priestess

by | Major Arcana, Tarot, Tarot 101, Tarot Card Meanings

The High Priestess Keywords

Upright: Intuition, wisdom, psychic ability, knowingness, esoteric knowledge, hidden power, divine feminine

Reversed: Lack of faith, imbalance of feminine energy, relying on logic, denying psychic abilities, loss of confidence

The High Priestess Tarot Card is one of the most popular and influential cards in the entire deck. This card symbolises knowledge, intuition, wisdom, and spiritual understanding. The High Priestess has often been thought of as a representation of the feminine divine, and it is closely associated with the Virgin Mary or Isis.

On The Fool’s Journey the Fool encounters the High Priestess after the Magician. While the Magician is representative of the conscious mind, the High Priestess is representative of the subconscious mind, intuition, and knowingness.

The High Priestess tarot card is one of the most mysterious and enigmatic cards in the tarot deck. It represents intuition, mystery, and secrets. The High Priestess sits between two pillars, one labeled “B” for Boaz, symbolising the conscious, rational mind, and one labeled “J” for Jachin, symbolising the unconscious, intuitive mind. This symbolises that the High Priestess is the bridge between the conscious and unconscious, helping us to access our intuition and understand the hidden aspects of ourselves and the world around us.

The High Priestess is often depicted as a serene, mysterious woman who is privy to secrets and knowledge beyond the reach of ordinary mortals. She is associated with the moon, which is often seen as a symbol of the subconscious and the mysterious. The crescent moon at her feet further emphasises this connection.

When The High Priestess Appears in a Reading

The High Priestess Upright

It indicates that now is a time to listen more carefully to your inner voice – that your intuition may be leading you towards something important. It also suggests that there may be hidden information or knowledge available if we take the time to search for it within ourselves.

The High Priestess also represents psychic abilities such as clairvoyance, telepathy, precognition and other forms of intuitive guidance available to us through our higher selves. When this card appears during readings it suggests that now would be an excellent time for developing these skills further – especially if guidance regarding personal relationships or career decisions is needed.

The High Priestess Reversed

When reversed, The High Priestess can indicate that someone may be trying too hard to gain knowledge or insight from external sources instead of looking within themselves for answers – often resulting in confusion or indecisiveness about what direction they should take next in life. Here it’s important for them to re-evaluate their goals and use their own inner resources rather than relying too much on outside sources for solutions or advice.

The High Priestess Tarot Card symbolises deep wisdom, feminine energy, intuition as well as higher spiritual understanding – all of which can help guide us on our path towards enlightenment if we take the time to pay attention to its messages.

Symbolism of The High Priestess

The symbolism of The High Priestess card can be quite helpful when it appears during readings. The imagery on The High Priestess card in the RWS deck typically depicts a woman sitting in between two pillars, wearing a crown adorned with stars and wearing a veil over her head. She is seated in front of a curtain that conceals mysteries beyond – secrets that only she can unlock. This speaks to her ability to access information from unseen realms and to help guide others on their journey towards enlightenment. In some tarot decks, she is even depicted holding an open book in her lap.

The colours associated with The High Priestess card are blue and yellow which represent truth and knowledge respectively. Blue encourages us to trust our intuition while yellow inspires us to seek out knowledge gained through study or contemplation. Together they create balance between the material world (yellow) and the spiritual realm (blue).


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