This is not a 100% accurate transcription because I’m not a 100% accurate person when it comes to typing these episodes out. 😉

Working with Aces Inner Truth Tarot

Ah the Aces. Aces are powerful. Aces are also often misunderstood because while the meaning is pretty clear, the meaning can shift based on the position of the card in the spread. In this episode I talk about that as well as give some examples.  Show notes and more at Connect with me on Instagram @inner.truth.tarot 

The Twos in a tarot deck are the second cards of each suit, and they represent balance, duality, and potential. The two is the first card in any of the minor arcana suits to reflect true choice—the one card was largely about recognising what’s already there, while the two brings with it an opportunity for action. In many ways, working with twos in your readings can be seen as unlocking new possibilities that weren’t visible before.

The energy of the two is often reflective of relationships or partnerships—from intimate romantic connections to business collaborations. When this card appears in a reading it may signify that someone has come into our lives who will bring us growth and development on some level. It can also signal a time for self-reflection and analysis; when we look at ourselves through another person’s eyes we gain insight into how we show up in our lives.

When dealing with issues related to partnership or collaboration, twos indicate that these situations require careful consideration and thoughtfulness from both parties involved if they hope to succeed. This doesn’t necessarily mean compromising but rather finding common ground between two different perspectives or positions so everyone involved feels heard and respected. Twos also suggest taking turns leading the conversation, allowing for equal opportunity to share ideas and opinions.

The two in tarot can also be seen as a gateway card—opening up pathways or possibilities that weren’t visible before. It invites us to look at the different options available so we can decide what serves us best and take the most effective steps towards achieving our desired outcome. Whether this is settling into a balanced relationship or piecing together an ambitious project, twos remind us of the inherent potential contained within every situation.

So when you come across twos in your readings, remember they are here to help you unlock new possibilities, reflect on relationships and partnerships, and move forward with careful consideration and thoughtfulness. As long as you keep these things in mind, you will be able to make the most out of every two that appears in your readings.

In addition to having a two in each of the suits, Swords, Wands, Pentacles, and Cups, we also have the High Priestess, which we talked about in the last episode.

When the High Priestess appears in a tarot reading, she’s not only there as a gatekeeper, but she is also there to illuminate pathways and possibilities that weren’t visible before. As we covered in the last episode, the High Priestess is there to ask us: are we ready? Do we really want to go deeper? Do we really want to look within? We are being presented with possibilities; choices.

The theme of gates carries from the High Priestess in the Major Arcana — remember the majors talk about the themes of life — into the Twos in the Minor Arcana, which deals with nuance, detail, and the day-to-day.

When Twos in Tarot Appear Upright

The Two of Cups is the card that was most likely to have popped into your mind when I brought up twos and relationships to others, and relationship to self. The Two of Cups is the classic relationship card. When we draw the Two of Cups, it’s often signifying the beginning of a relationship, or an emotional journey. It is a gateway to explore these possibilities further. It’s asking us – are we ready to build something? Are we ready to take action and make choices?

When drawing this card, it often signals that someone has come into our lives who will bring us growth and development on some level. It may be a romantic partner or an opportunity for collaboration within business or creative projects. But, the Two of Cups may also signify that you have some inner work to be doing. Perhaps you need to honour your inner child. Perhaps you need to make peace with your shadow. If you are in a dark and depressive state, perhaps you need to make peace with your light.

The Suit of Cups is ruled by water, and cups deal with relationships and emotions. This card — the Two of Cups — also holds the symbolism of moving with the ebb and flow of life. It encourages us to be open and receptive to what comes our way as if we are floating down a river, trusting that whatever is thrown at us, or brought alongside us, will help us reach our destination.

While the Two of Cups represents relationships, connections, and emotions, it also is a reminder that we cannot control everything. Like water, life has a flow to it, and while we can try to control it, we are not almighty.

When we draw the Two of Wands, we are being invited to explore the potential that lies within a particular situation. It is often seen as a gateway to new opportunities, another chance to make an informed and wise decision. We may be presented with various options; it’s up to us which one we choose.

The Two of Wands is a card that speaks to our inner strength and determination. It asks us to step outside the comfort zone, be brave, and make decisions that will help us reach greater heights. The Two of Wands encourages us to plan for the future and take charge of our destiny; it’s a reminder not to wait for things to happen, but to take the initiative and be active.

Remember, the suit of wands deals with creativity, passions, projects. The element of fire rules the suit of wands, and each card has a spark. Perhaps the Two of Wands appears because you have two exciting ideas to develop, and you need to decide which path to take. If you take the time to explore these ideas, you may find that they lead somewhere unexpected.

While the Two of Cups reminds us that we can’t control everything, and we need to be willing to embrace a little flow…the Two of Wands tells us that we must take action. Whether it’s deciding which project we will take on, or actively seeking out new opportunities, this card is asking us to step up and make the best choice given all the tools and knowledge at your disposal. By objectively examining the situation, taking some time to reflect, and listening to our inner guidance, we will be able to make the right decision, and once we have, the Two of Wands invites us to step out boldly and take action.

The Two of Swords is often interpreted as being stuck in limbo or indecision due to its duality – two minds, two swords crossing paths but not reaching a resolution. The Swords are ruled by the element of air, which is associated with the mind and logic.

The Two of Swords often appears when something needs to be worked out on an intellectual level. When we draw this card, it may be a sign that we have been struggling to reconcile two opposing beliefs or forces within our lives. The Two of Swords may be telling us that our indecision may be holding us back, and it’s time to make a decision or choose between two paths.

The Two of Swords is not just about indecision, it’s — as all Twos are — also about balance. The crossed swords represent a blending of opposing forces, each sword’s energy balancing out the other. This could mean that we need to find a balance between logic and emotion, the present and the future, or two paths that seem opposite.

This card can bring us clarity when it comes to making difficult decisions. Where there are two sides, both perspectives must be respected and considered if we want to move forward in strength and integrity.

While the Two of Cups is reminding us that we need to be willing to go with the flow, the Two of Wands is telling us we need to make a decision, the Two of Swords is telling us that our inaction, our indecision, has consequences.

Finally, when the Two of Pentacles appears it’s reminding us that balance is key. While all Twos deal with balance in some way, the Two of Pentacles is the most balancey of the balance cards.

With the Two of Pentacles, there are two sides here, a yin and a yang, but when we take the time to assess each side and find equilibrium, this card can bring joy and harmony.

When we focus too much on our work, our health suffers. When we focus too much on our health, our work suffers. When we focus too much on personal gratification, we lose personal connections. When we focus too much on people pleasing, we struggle with personal gratification. (Unless you derive your self worth from people pleasing, but I suppose that’s something we should do an episode about)

The Two of Pentacles is also an indication that working with someone else could be beneficial as there are two sides to any situation – balance is key. When the Two of Pentacles comes up, it is often asking us to question and reassess our goals or objectives.

It can be seen as a gateway to deeper understanding, a chance to have greater insight or clarity on whatever situation we may be facing. Remember, pentacles are associated with materialism, money, the physical world, and stability. The element of earth rules the suit of pentacles, and each card has a deep and profound message.

The Two of Pentacles can be asking us to make sure we are on track with our finances or career path. It could appear as a reminder to stop over indulging and bring your finances back into balance. It could also appear to tell you that you need to make some career moves to increase your income.

But it can also be talking about your body. Remember, physicality and physical resources doesn’t just mean your financial wealth; it also means your body. The Two of Pentacles can appear when you need to be taking time to honour your body’s needs so you don’t burn out. It an appear as a sign that you need to slow down to bring your wellness back into harmony, or it can appear as a reminder that you can’t change your life if you aren’t willing to make changes around your wellness and routines.

While the Two of Cups is reminding us that we need to be willing to go with the flow, the Two of Wands is telling us we need to make a decision, the Two of Swords is telling us that our inaction, our indecision, has consequences. The Two of Pentacles is here to tell you that balance is literally key to achieving your goals, realising your potential, and manifesting your dreams.

When The Twos Appear Reversed

Now when Twos appear in a reading reversed, it can be a sign of imbalance, unwillingness to change or adjust and inability to find the harmony that is needed for success. It could also point out that the querent needs to break out of overthinking patterns and focus on simple solutions. It could also be a sign that one is trying to do too much at once, or you are feeling overwhelmed by current obligations. However, this can be avoided if you take time to step back and assess your situations with a clear mind.

When the Two of Cups appears reversed it can say that you are putting too much emphasis on how others feel about them and not enough focus on your own needs. It could also be pointing out that you are avoiding an important relationship. The Two of Cups reversed can be telling you that you need to be more open and honest with yourself and with others, or it could also be telling you that another person is not being as honest and open as they should.

The Two of Wands reversed can suggest that the querent is procrastinating, avoiding taking action on important decisions or feeling unsure of which direction to take next. When the Two of Wands appears reversed it can point to a tendency to procrastinate, which can hold us back from taking action and reaching our goals. It can also be a sign that we need to focus on the present and make decisions based on our current situation, rather than worry about what could happen in the future. While tarot is often used for fortune telling and predictive readings, too much focus on the future makes it difficult to exist in our present lives.

When the Two of Swords appears reversed it could point out that one is struggling with making difficult decisions or taking action due to fear or uncertainty. It can also be a sign that one is trying to find balance between two opposing forces. The Two of Swords reversed can indicate that you are stuck in a difficult situation, and you need to be willing to step away from your current perspective in order to find clarity. Sometimes looking too long or too closely at a situation leads to derailment or inaction.

Finally, the Two of Pentacles reversed can point out that you are struggling with feeling overwhelmed or unable to juggle all of the tasks and commitments on your plate. It can also be telling us that we are pushing ourselves too hard or trying to do too much at once, which is preventing us from finding balance. The Two of Pentacles is a classic burnout card. It appears when we’re overwhelmed, yet unable or unwilling to do anything about it. The Two of Pentacles reversed could be a sign that you need to take a step back and focus on one task at a time in order to achieve your goals in an efficient manner.

Reading the Position

When you put cards down in a spread, the cards are speaking to each other. They’re interacting with each other. They’re telling a story, and you, dear one, are merely reading this story. The position, or placement, of each card carries with it its own significance. 

Let’s look at how the Twos might speak in a simple Past, Present, Future tarot spread.


When the High Priestess appears in the past, she might be saying that you need to tap into your inner wisdom and remember what it was telling you before. The High Priestess might be saying that there were opportunities for growth in the past, but you may have been too busy to take advantage of them.

If the Two of Cups appears in the past, it might be telling you that two people had come together in some way. Whether it was a romantic relationship, a friendship, or any other kind of connection, the Two of Cups speaks to the power of relationships and how they can shape our lives. It can also speak about business relationships, or an emotional journey you went on.

When the Two of Wands appears in the past, it may be signalling that you were determined to reach a goal. You had the courage and ambition to make it happen, no matter what the odds were. In this position, the Two of Wands can be applauding your discipline and how you never gave up. It can also represent two projects or passions you were faced with. Two roads to take.

The Two of Swords in the past can be telling you that there was a decision you had to make. It may have been difficult to make, but it was necessary for growth and development. The Two of Swords in the past is a good indicator that you made the decision necessary to move forward. It can be speaking of an intellectual decision, a time when you had to choose between emotion and logic, or a time when you had to choose between two very different energies.

Finally, when the Two of Pentacles appears in the past, it could mean that you were juggling multiple things at once. You were learning how to manage your time and resources effectively while achieving balance in your life. It can also symbolise multiple responsibilities you had, as well as times when you had to find grace and balance.


In the present position, the High Priestess could suggest that you draw upon your inner wisdom as you make decisions, and in so doing, unlock your true potential. The High Priestess could be saying that there are opportunities in front of you if you look within and let your intuition speak.

The Two of Cups in the present position suggests that two people have come together in some way. Whether it’s a romantic relationship, friendship, or any other type of connection, the card speaks to the power of relationships and how they can shape our lives. It could also represent a business relationship, or an emotional journey you’re on.

The Two of Wands in the present position is likely telling you to keep going. You have ambition and determination that will help you reach your goals, no matter what the odds are against you. It could also signify two projects or passions that you’re facing.

The Two of Swords in the present position is likely a sign that there is a decision you need to make, and it may be difficult to do. However, it’s necessary for your growth and development. The card speaks of an intellectual decision, a time when you must choose between emotion and logic, or a choice between two very different energies.

Finally, the Two of Pentacles in the present position suggests that you are currently managing multiple things at once. You’re learning how to manage your resources and time effectively while still finding balance in your life. OR, it could be saying that you need to learn how to manage your resources and time effectively. It could also symbolise many responsibilities that you have, or the need to find grace and balance in the current situation.


In the Future position, the High Priestess could be saying that you will unlock your true potential if you look within and listen to your intuition. It could also be pointing out opportunities for growth, as well as a need to access your spiritual side. It could be inviting you to look behind the curtain and see what the abyss has to offer for perhaps embracing your shadow will do you the highest good.

The Two of Cups in the future position suggests two people coming together in some way. This could be a romantic or platonic relationship, business partnership, or any connection. It speaks to the power of relationships and how they can shape our lives. It also could be referencing an emotional journey. Perhaps undergoing a traumatic event that requires deep personal growth to overcome. Perhaps there’s a baby on the way. Perhaps you’ll learn how to love yourself the way you are meant to be loved.

The Two of Wands in the future position is likely telling you to keep going no matter what odds are against you. You have ambition and determination that will help you reach your goals and dreams. It could also be speaking of two projects or passions that will take some attention and energy.

The Two of Swords in the future position is likely pointing to a difficult decision you will have to make. It could be an intellectual decision between emotion and logic, or two very different energies. It can also symbolise you weighing up options before making a choice.

Finally, the Two of Pentacles in the future position suggests that you will need to use your resources and time effectively in order to find balance. It could also be calling you to manage your responsibilities or find grace and balance in a situation. It may point towards learning how to juggle multiple things at once without getting overwhelmed.


Twos in tarot can be seen as gateways that invite us to explore possibilities, make wise choices based on careful consideration, and find balance between different perspectives.

When we interact with twos in our readings, it’s an invitation for us to step out of our comfort zone and open ourselves up to greater potential. By taking the time to reflect on the themes associated with twos in tarot, we can make the most out of our readings, explore the options available to us and find balance between different perspectives.

With this knowledge in hand, it’s time for us to open up those gateways and move forward into a future that is full of possibilities.


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