January 2023: Astrological Events + Tarot Reading

by | Dec 30, 2022 | Astrology, Podcast

January 2023 Astrological Transits Inner Truth Tarot

Dive into the most powerful astrological transits of 2023 in this episode. Show notes plus a tarot reading for January are over at www.innertruthtarot.com

These show notes are not a transcription. For all the details, listen to the episode in the player above.

2022 was a complicated year, and for many, the start of 2023 is a welcome change. New beginnings. New opportunities. For others, it’s a continuation of the same drudgery that’s been impacting us all for the last few years. For those of us using the modern calendar, January is a powerful time to get back in tune with who we are and what we desire.

While there are dozens of astrological events happening in January, this isn’t an astrology podcast. Here I’ve noted the major transits that may impact you and influence your readings.

02 January: Venus enters Aquarius

Looking for love or looking to deepen a romantic connection? While Venus is in Aquarius for the next three and a half weeks, this is a great time to connect and expand.

06 January: Full Moon in Cancer

This is the first Full Moon of 2023, and it’s in Cancer. The moon is encouraging us to stay home, nest, and deal with domestic issues. Focus on forgiveness and work to stop overthinking things on the Homefront.

12 January: Mars goes direct in Gemini

After being in Retrograde since October, Mars is finally direct. Use this momentum to go into problem solving mode and double down on your resolutions.

18 January: Mercury goes direct in Capricorn

2023 started with Mercury in Retrograde, so you may have felt the year was off to a bumpy start. Now is the perfect time though to take that clarity that comes from Mercury going direct and use it to create some plans to conquer the year.

20 January: Sun enters Aquarius

Aquarius energy is loving, warm, inviting, but also unpredictable. As the sun enters Aquarius, embrace your inner energetic flow and remember marching to the beat of your own drummer is better than following the masses.

21 January: New Moon in Aquarius

The first New Moon of 2023 is in Aquarius, and it’s encouraging you to step outside of your comfort zone. Remember that unpredictable Aquarius energy? The moon is reminding you to embrace it and explore the unknown.

January Tarot Reading

From the image below, pick a pile, left, centre, or right. Go with your first instinct. You’re being called to pick that particular pile for a reason.

The Readings

Each reading is meant to be read as a sweep of cards. The cards are read as a group, instead of one at a time. By reading the cards in an open reading (a reading without a specific question) as a sweep, you get a clearer understanding of the message.

The Left Pile: Knight of Cups, Page of Cups, Queen of Swords

The Knight of Cups, Page of Cups, and Queen of Swords

You’re going to get more in touch with your emotions and intuition as the month progresses. As a message or omen comes to your attention, you will need to rely on your inner wisdom to understand it and formulate a response. Try not to second guess yourself because your inner wisdom will help you uncover the truth that is so important to you. You value honesty without judgment, but without your intuition, you tend to get stuck in the mire obsessing about the little details that are really of no consequence to the truth.

The Middle Pile: Knight of Swords, Nine of Wands, The Devil

Knight of Swords, Nine of Wands, The Devil

You have set your mind to a mission, and once you set your mind to something, nothing can stop you. You’re motivated, and success is inevitable, so long as you stop sabotaging yourself. A roadblock or minor setback will challenge you, but even in the face of adversity and challenges, you’ll persevere. But be wary of your tendency to get in your own way. Your fear of success will hold you back if you let it.

The Right Pile: Five of Wands, Eight of Cups, King of Wands

Five of Wands, Eight of Cups, King of Wands

Something isn’t sitting right. You may not be certain of “what” exactly, but something is giving you pause. There is a tension that’s impacting your ability to move forward. Something hasn’t turned out the way you envisioned, and you’re feeling called to cut your losses and walk away. But this is a good time to remember the Buddhist concept of non-attachment: it’s our obsession with achieving the perfect outcome that causes us pain when reality falls short of what we fabricated in our mind. You have a clear vision of where you want to go and what you want to accomplish, and the power to achieve it through self-leadership is within you, but don’t obsess and get hung on the little things that aren’t lining up for you yet.

1 Comment

  1. ross

    Just had a wild and intense Tarot reading. stunned is all I can say. officially ready for anything the universe throws at me this year.


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