August 2023: Astrological Events + Tarot Reading

by | Jul 28, 2023 | Astrology, Tarot Readings

August is a great time to focus on personal development – the last hurrah of summer and an opportunity to pursue what matters most. Make the most of this season’s active planetary energy, which is likely to bring with it a feeling of freshness and ambition. Take advantage of creative pursuits, go on adventures, learn something new, and invest in yourself; August should be used as a time to grow and challenge yourself. But as August marks the beginning of the harvest period, it’s also a time to begin reaping the rewards of the hard work you’ve put in this year.

01 August: Lammas. Full Moon enters Aquarius.

Lammas is an ancient pagan ritual celebrated in Europe on August 1st that marks the beginning of the harvest season. It’s a time when the hard work of summer is rewarded with bounty, and a reminder that nature provides us with what we need when we nurture it. Lammas is a perfect time to pause and reflect on our accomplishments over the past few months as well as honor the cycle of life and death. Enjoy this special celebration by gathering with friends and family and enjoying traditional Lammas fare such as bread, fruits, and vegetables.

The auspicious full Sturgeon Moon of August coincides with Lammas and encourages us to take a step back, reflect on our successes and achievements, and celebrate our hard work. Whether you have experienced big successes or small victories, take time to recognise them and be grateful for the progress made. Use this lunar energy to recharge ourselves and carry that motivation into the next cycle.

15 August: Juno enters Leo

As the asteroid of commitment moves into Leo, it’s time to focus on strengthening and nurturing your relationships. Don’t be afraid to swallow your pride and share the spotlight with others no matter how hard or daunting it may seem. Doing this will help you create lasting connections that have a mutual respect for each other, avoiding any messy heartbreaks or relationship dramas. Commitment requires an active effort to invest in your relationships and ensure they are built on trust, understanding and care, so take the time today to show generosity and appreciation towards those closest to you.

16 August: New Moon in Leo

This new moon is a time for rediscovering our inner child. Let it guide you to lead with creativity, find joy in everyday moments, and express yourself with passion. This is the moment to explore your curiosities and passions, enjoy some lightheartedness and entertainment, connect with people through art or music — all while learning more about who you are and what makes you unique. Embrace this unique opportunity to nurture yourself and bring out your playful side!

23 August: Sun enters Virgo. Mercury goes Retrograde in Virgo.

As the sun departs its ruling sign and moves into Virgo, it’s a call to slow down and pause. The next few weeks will be dedicated to restoring our physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing. With the added layer of Mercury going retrograde shortly in the same sign, this is a great period to practice self-care and give yourself some much-deserved rest. Reach out when you need help or guidance, take time for yourself to reflect and relax – don’t be afraid to step away from the hustle and bustle.

All of our decision making skills will be put to the test during this retrograde. During these weeks, focus on finding a greater sense of perspective, keep your emotions in check, be kind to yourself and others, and think before you act. It’s not easy, but it will help you make better decisions for yourself during this potentially confusing period. This season is all about being mindful of your needs and gaining clarity on your objectives.


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