October 2023: Astrological Events + Tarot Reading 

by | Sep 29, 2023 | Astrology, Tarot Readings

October is a month rich with spiritual significance. It is the time when the veil between this world and the spirit realm is thin, allowing us access to forces beyond our comprehension. In some cultures, October marks the beginning of a new cycle – one that opens us up to discovering and exploring our own spirituality. It also calls on us to embrace magic and be mindful of how it can be used for good or ill. For those who are looking for answers or searching for guidance, October provides an opportunity to tap into energies that transcend human understanding. We can use this time to celebrate life and connect to all that lies beyond our physical realm.

10 October: Pluto goes Direct in Capricorn

With Pluto’s final transit in Capricorn, this is the perfect opportunity to reflect on the last ten years and apply the insights we’ve gained. Capricorn is a sign that values discipline and hard work, allowing us to draw strength from both triumphs and tribulations alike. This time provides us with a powerful chance to use the lessons learned over the past decade as a foundation for growth into the future.

14 October: New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra

The new moon solar eclipse in Libra can create a sense of confusion and imbalance, making it difficult to make any major life choices. With this energy comes a feeling of being torn in different directions and the fear of not pleasing everyone around us. However, it’s important to remember that trying to please everyone else can lead to feelings of loneliness and exhaustion over time. As we enter this period, it’s important to pay attention to our internal compass, so we can make decisions that bring balance and harmony to our lives.

21 October: Mercury enters Scorpio

The intensity of communication rises as Mercury moves into Scorpio for the next two and a half weeks. This transit puts an emphasis on emotionally deep conversations, making it difficult to engage in small talk without feeling overwhelmed. Instead, it encourages us to look at those around us with more depth and understanding, allowing us to connect on a deeper level. This period is ideal for exploring our innermost thoughts and feelings, giving extra special meaning to even the simplest exchanges.

23 October: Sun enters Scorpio

As the autumn chill sets in, we may find ourselves drawn to the spooky and mysterious. Passions may be ignited with a force we’ve never experienced before, providing much needed warmth during this time of year. However, it’s important to remember that these passions could potentially cause more harm than good if not handled with care. Embrace the unique energy of this season and make mindful choices that will bring you closer to balance, harmony, and joy.

28 October: Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus

As we enter this rare lunar eclipse on the heels of the New Moon eclipse earlier this month, everything takes on an extra intensity. We may find ourselves unusually attached to the past, even if it no longer serves us. It can be difficult to let go of what’s familiar and comfortable, but taking that first step towards transformation can lead to healing in ways we couldn’t have imagined. Though the process may feel daunting, taking the leap of faith can bring much needed growth and renewal.

31 October: Samhain

Samhain is the third and final harvest festival of the year, and marks the beginning of the year in many traditions. It is a time to honour the past and to look forward to the future by reflecting on the cycle of death and rebirth. Samhain is a day steeped in tradition and myth, and it is a time to reflect in on who we’ve become, who we want to be, and the legacy we want to leave behind.

This powerful season encourages us to connect with our ancestors and embrace the liminal space between life and death. This spooky celebration encourages us to recognize our mortality, take stock of our lives, and look inward as we reflect on what lies ahead –– ultimately offering an opportunity for spiritual renewal that transcends physical form.

This sacred season allows us to make an intentional break from the mundane routines of day-to-day life. With this newfound freedom comes an opportunity to look within and realign our intentions with our highest selves.


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